The transition from postdoc to establishing and running your own lab is a crucial step in academia. This process, which is critical everywhere in the world, presents additional difficulties in our country. Which are the main challenges we face to academic independence? Is it easier to settle and do neuroscience abroad? What does it mean to return to the country through repatriation? How to achieve a balance between family and work roles? How to access grants and/or international collaboration networks?. These are just some of the questions and doubts that emerge at the moment of starting an independent career. In this roundtable, early- career scientists who are at this critical stage, together with established researchers who have already gone through it will share their experiences and discuss with the audience the challenges, pitfalls and different opportunities that exist in our country for junior PIs.
Lista de oradores que cuentan su experiencia personal en 5 min y luego se abre a preguntas del público:
Diego Rayes y Graciela Mazzone (moderadores)
Gender inequalities in academia exist in a wide variety of fields and circumstances. Owing to the particularities of the Argentine scientific system, gathering appropriate data for the national neuroscientific community poses a challenge thus making it difficult to compare our situation with the one in Neuroscience as a field in a global sense. We want to show local generated data or neuroscience in Argentina and understand it in a global context. First, Dr. Calero will introduce the subject of gender inequalities in the academic world globally, including differences in salaries, hierarchies, funding and lead authorships. Second, Dr. Bekinschtein and Lic. Ramos Usaj will discuss novel analyzed data that show the evolution and current state of the network structure in the local neuroscientific community and provide a launching platform for an open public dataset created from published reports from the Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias and public government data from the Science and Technology staff, to serve as a call to action to all national neuroscientists. Despite several changes throughout the years, the abstract books from the Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias (SAN) collect information regarding poster submissions among other things and, in particular these books contain the poster title, topic, authors, affiliations and the poster abstract. We parsed poster data from the digital versions (.pdf files) of the abstract books of the SAN Annual Meetings from the year 2012 to the year 2019 (with the exception of the year 2016) to recover valuable poster information, mainly the poster title, authors, topic and abstract. Since the 2020 SAN Annual Meeting was entirely virtual we scraped data from the 2020 Annual Meeting website to gather the same poster data as before. We also accessed public data from the SICYTAR (Sistema de Información de Ciencia y Tecnología Argentino) to gather the name, self-reported sex and other information about all people who are related to R+D activities that conform the national science and technology staff. We performed name matching and established record linkage between the extracted poster data and the SICYTAR data using the distance score from a K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) algorithm. As a follow-up metric we used fuzzy string matching algorithms between the target poster author name and the closest match (following the KNN algorithm) from the SICYTAR data. All the data gathered plus the methods used to extract and transform it are made publicly available in a GitHub repository. Using an extremely conservative threshold for the KNN algorithm score we constructed a co-authorship network from the poster authors and took a glance at the basic graph features (size, density, components, diameter, clustering coefficient and network centrality) over time. Furthermore, we focused on a small aspect of the dataset to assess gender inequalities by examining the men-women proportion in the meeting attendants and the sex-specific distribution of author positions using both frequentist and bayesian approaches.
Confirmed Speakers
Cecilia Calero
Investigadora Adjunta – CONICET
Laboratorio de Neurociencia
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Pedro Bekinschtein
Investigador Independiente – CONICET
Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Traslacional – INCYT
CONICET – Fundacion INECO – Universidad Favaloro
Alejandro Ramos Usaj
Instituto de Cálculo
Universidad de Buenos Aires
How to start the search for a research stay or a PostDoc abroad? When we start our PhD we wonder how to do a research internship in a laboratory abroad. Furthermore, by the end of the PhD we find difficulties searching for PostDocs opportunities. The key is to build collaborative networks and a plan! In this session we will discuss: How to find a laboratory according to our topic of interest and the available scholarships? How to finance the trip? How are the interviews with the principal investigators? Are these face-to-face or virtual? How are interviews organized? How should we prepare? Do you have to give a presentation? Is the presentation only with the director or is the rest of the team present? How many interviews people usually do until getting a stay or PostDoc? We will also talk about looking for opportunities for scholarships and courses during the PhD and alternative for financing the attendance to conferences abroad?
we will have asynchronous interventions (on video) by foreign researchers who will tell us what they look for in interviews when they are recruiting PostDocs. We will also have argentinean PostDocs that will tell us about their personal experience. Afterwards, we will continue with questions and an open conversation.
Would you join us?
Javier de Zorrilla San Martín, Macarena Fernández y Esteban Beckwith
Investigadores extranjeros
Ian Forsythe
Emeritus Professor of Neurophysiology. Department, Neuroscience, Psychology & Behaviour (NPB).College of Life Sciences, University of Leicester
Giorgio Gilestro
Senior Lecturer. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Life Sciences. Imperial College London. United Kingdom
PostDocs/ Investigadores asistentes
Ivana Bussi
Ivana Bussi, PhD. Becaria posdoctoral CONICET. Laboratorio de Genética del Comportamiento. Fundación Instituto Leloir
Mariano Polo
Mariano Polo, PhD. Investigador Asistente CONICET. IHEM-CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Evelin Cotella
Evelin Cotella, PhD. Postdoctoral Research Associate. Cancer and Hematology Division. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Center
Diego Fernández
Diego Fernández, PhD. Associate scientist at the Section of Light and Circadian Rhythms. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH/ NIH), USA.
Getting a scientific manuscript published is usually challenging. Several doubts usually appear before submitting a paper. Which is the most appropriate journal for my paper? What is each of the steps in the paper review process? What do journals look for in terms of the acceptability of a manuscript?
There are a growing number of journals that scientists can consider when making decisions about their papers. Each journal has a content, protocol, and peer review process that are quite unique to its publication missions. In this session, we will explore the nuts and bolts with:
Dr. Ian Forstyhe (Former Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of Physiology)
Dr. Eve Marder, (Former Deputy Editor at eLife)
Dr. Shari Wiseman, (Chief Editor at Nature Neuroscience)
Specifically, our guests will cover:
* Historical perspective context in which these journals were established and their current role
*What their journals look for in research submissions
*Considerations and nuances of writing for their publications
*The peer-review process
There will be a Q&A and discussion section for the audience to interact directly with our panelists about this critical aspect of a career in science.
Women comprise a minority in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM) workforce. STEMM gender inequalities can be revealed in different and specific forms depending on sociocultural aspects of certain research areas and/or country analyzed. For this third edition, we´ll receive eight outstanding women scientists from different disciplines around the world, who share a strong advocacy for gender issues in science. We are happy to continue with this new tradition established in SAN annual meetings where we can dedicate time to discuss where we stand in the gender gap, and how we can move forward in closing it.
Dr. Shohini Ghose, Professor of Physics and Computer Science and NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering; Director, Centre for Women in Science, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada.
Dr. Shazrene Mohamed, Associate Professor, South African Astronomical Observatory, Cape Town, South Africa.
Dr. Shobhana Narasimhan, Professor of Theoretical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India.
Dr. Silvina Ponce Dawson, Principal Investigator in CONICET, Full Professor Physics Department, Biological Physics and Photophysiology Group, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dr. Rabia Salihu Said, Full Professor of Atmospheric Physics, Department of Physics, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Dr. Ana Silva, Full Professor, Neuroscience Lab, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República de Uruguay, Uruguay.
Dr. Marie-Francoise Roy, Emeritus Professor, Effective Geometry and Algebra Group, Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes, France.
Dr. Cecilia Bouzat. Full Professor, Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Bahía Blanca. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
El Hijo de la Novia: 20 años no es nada.
Diálogo entre la ciencia y el cine.
(this activity is full in spanish)
Chairs: Juan Ferrario & Elena Avale
En 2021 se conmemoran 20 años del estreno del “Hijo de la Novia”, una de las películas Argentinas que quedó en la filmoteca de lujo del cine nacional, incluída en el selecto club de películas locales nominadas a los premios Oscar y cuya rica trama incluye centralmente la Enfermedad de Alzheimer.
¿Cómo se presenta un tema científico/médico dentro de un film ?
¿Cómo es el backstage de la rigurosidad de comunicación de la ciencia ?
Desde el cine, ¿se lo piensa como una herramienta de divulgación ?
La ciencia (positivista y en su versión “ciencia ficción”) es un tópico muy presente en el cine, ¿se busca hablar de ciencia por la llegada al público o simplemente porque es parte de nuestra vida ?
Con estas premisas, dialogaremos con el guionista de la película, Fernando Castets, y con el periodista especializado y productor Axel Kutchevasky, sobre el intenso diálogo que existe entre la ciencia y el cine, con particular interés en las neurociencias contadas desde la pantalla grande de manera masiva.
Aprovechamos la oportunidad para invitarlos a ver y volver a ver la película, que está libre y disponible en la plataforma :
Spoiler Alert ! Durante el evento se mostrarán algunas escenas de la película