

Session: 4

PS4-16 | The role of sleep in episodic memory reconsolidation: Project and Preliminary Results

Malen Daiana Moyano

Laboratorio Sueño y Memoria, Dpto Ciencias de la Vida, ITBA

Episodic memory is a subtype of declarative memory, defined as the ability to remember how, where and when past events occurred. Consolidated memories can be reactivated by a reminder of the original memory and can enter a new labile state, followed by a period of re-stabilization (reconsolidation). Sleep facilitates the consolidation of newly encoded memories and enhances the memory persistence 6 months after learning. Furthermore, it improves memory reconsolidation. It was demonstrated that a short nap accelerated memory re-stabilization of a list of nonsense syllable pairs, and facilitated the reconsolidation of the reactivated object-location memory, at short-term. Here, we aim to study the role of sleep on memory persistence of a neutral episodic memory through the reconsolidation process. For this, we developed an online paradigm of episodic neutral memories, to determine if it is possible to trigger the destabilization/re-stabilization processes under an online environment, using an interference task as an amnesic agent (Exp. 1). We also evaluated the effect of a home-nap after reactivation on memory persistence (Exp 2).